Going to Disneyland with little kids may sound intimidating. With the amount of energy kids exhibit when excited, you may feel that controlling them while there would be so much work.

Or you may feel that they are too young to appreciate the beauty of Disney, or that they’re bound to forget everything soon.

But the truth is, a kid of any age can visit and enjoy the wonderful Disneyland attractions. Here are some of our tips to help you as a oarent make your trip to Disneyland more memorable, hustle-free, and exciting for the whole family.

Find and stay at one of the Disney Resorts

Staying at a resort near the park is definitely more convenient compared to having to make a journey to and fro for the entire time you’ll be there. Still, living not far away would allow you enough time go to the parks early.

Although much more expensive than staying off the Disney premises, the convenience such an arrangement offers is worth paying for. Disneyland offers a variety of resorts you can choose from.

Make use of the Baby Centers

Both Disneyland and Disneyworld cares for parents visiting with toddlers in tow, so they made baby centers where nursing mothers can change their babies and have time to relax. The centers are fully equipped with everything a mother would need. For example, the facilities include changing rooms with tables, chairs, and rooms where you can relax with the children.

There’s also an exclusive area to breastfeed from. The breastfeeding area has room for four, with small tables and cabinets all around.

Sockets are mounted on the nursing room walls, in case a mother prefers to express breast milk using an electric pump.

A variety of baby foods are sold in the kitchen. Other baby items like diapers are also sold here; practically everything a mother would require. Water is free, which can be useful to use instead of paying for water bottles at other vendors or shops.

The baby center is always fully parked, so anything that takes up unnecessary space, like a baby stroller is left outside.

Get Free Ice-Cool Water

Walking around the parks will surely leave you and your kids thirsting for water. Take the advantage of the free iced water dispensed at every service station. No need to spend money on water when you can get it for free.

Rent a Stroller

If you forget to bring along your baby’s stroller, don’t panic. One Stop Mobility offers stroller rentals that you can rent for the day both at Disneyland, CA and Disney World, FL.

It might still be a good idea though to pack a back baby carrier. It will come in handy where baby strollers are prohibited or when entering buildings that don’t allow strollers inside.

Be Early at the Parks’ Gates

Make sure you’re early to the park you wish to visit for the day. Be as early as half an hour, waiting for the gates to be opened and be allowed in. If you’re living within the premises of Disney property, punctuality shouldn’t be a problem.

Swap For the Rides

It’s fun switching rides with other parents and children at the ‘Soaring.’ Ride with your children first and then have them ride with another parent or parents. It’s one of the joys of the trip that the toddlers will love.

Bring a Fan

Seriously, it will help. You can either bring your own from home or buy one at the park. You’ll find fans being sold at almost all park entrances.

The fans are fun in themselves, and you can use them to fan the baby while they sleep in the stroller.

So it’s not a waste of money, plus you will be able to take it home with you and remember a good time at the parks.

Get your FastPass Sorted Out

Book early and book for several days. You can even get a 30 days FastPass. Booking many days in advance is better, it’s a lot more convenient. But if you don’t find it tasking, daily booking is still an option.

Alternate Between Carrying and Walking Your Kids

If your kid can walk but is still too young, covering long walks will not be possible. Have reigns with you, at the ready, in case you find your baby needs carrying.

Reigns and baby backpacks are almost necessary for your trip to Disneyland or World with toddlers, so make sure you pack them.

You can have your toddlers enjoy a Disney tour as well as yourself. All in all, using the above tips, you can make the trip successful and full of fun.