Electric mobility scooters have undergone a lot of changes over the years. The new mobility scooters do not just stop at moving one person from one point to the other, they now have added features that improve on comfort, durability, safety and portability.

Whether your mobility is hindered by your age, mental or physical problems you are guaranteed of finding a mobility scooter that will efficiently cater to your needs. Many people who need mobility scooters probably use them everywhere, so you will most likely need a scooter that will go everywhere for you. Let’s have a look at the top 6 portable scooters of 2017.

1. Luggie

The Luggie starts this list off as it combines portability with many other great features. The portability of the Luggie is great in that you can easily fold it, it has a 36 inch turning radius, and it extremely lightweight weighing only 50 lbs.

It is also foldable in different configurations which makes for great maneuverability. The top speed of this scooter is 4 mph and it can go for up to 12 miles on a single charge. At the back of this scooter there are two extra small wheels which provide more stability especially when cornering.

The ground clearance is above par so a drive on uneven surfaces will not take a toll on the scooter. The Luggie has a maximum load capacity of 250 lbs.

2. Passport Power Scooter

The simplicity of this scooter points to its practicability and portability. Don’t let the design of Passport Power fool you though; the build quality and the materials are high end. The Passport Power for example, can reach speeds of up to 4 mph and the four wheels provide the much needed stability.

It also has 2 batteries which have a rating of 12 Volts. You can also get this scooter with the option of lithium ion batteries which are lighter and charges quicker. The Passport power weighs in at an amazing 50 lbs and is easily foldable. The maximum weight capacity for this scooter is 250 lbs.

3. Tzora Lexis Light Folding Lightweight Travel Scooter

The Lexis Light is an interesting take of a mobility scooter with the position of the seat which according to the manufacturers gives this scooter more stability. The portability of the Lexis Light is its greatest asset.

It includes a 4 point structure that can be taken apart and folded on the go. It has 4 wheels which offers stability but the front two act as one wheel which offer more maneuverability. The heaviest part of the Lexis light weighs about 29 lbs and the overall weight when folded is 62 lbs. This particular scooter has a maximum weight capacity of 250 lbs and a top speed of 4.8 mph.

4. SmartScoot lithium battery

This scooter features some great trademark from its manufacturer SmartScoot. First it has a fold and lock technology which is exclusive to this brand. The fold and lock technology makes the scooter easily collapsible and foldable.

The construction material which is stainless steel is another trademark by SmartScoot. It reduces the weight of the scooter to about 40 lbs, the lightest in this list. The removable lithium ion battery can last for a distance of up to 12 miles.

The steering, rear wheels and seats are adjustable. The maximum load capacity of the SmartScoot lithium battery scooter is an impressive 300 lbs.

5. Easy Travel Elite Folding Lightweight Travel

This scooter like the third scooter is from the same manufacturer, Tzora. The most striking feature in the appearance of this scooter is the wheel design. Unlike other scooters, this one has a one of a kind in-wheel-motor which saves space and makes steering a joy.

It is composed of three components which are easily disassembled and folded. The positioning of the seat that is used in this and other Tzora scooters gives a 45% increase in stability. This scooter is most suited for those who like fancy ergonomics and high end build quality. The easy travel elite folding scooter weighs about 59 lbs and has a maximum weight capacity of 250 lbs.

6. Pride Mobility Go Go Series

We really did save the best for last. The pride Mobility Go Go Series offers a lineup of several different mobility scooters to choose from, all of which can be disassembled for easy transportation. Each model is priced differently with different specs and features to give you the best range of options according to your budget. For example, the Go Go Ultra X is the introductory model lineup which supports up to 300 lbs, while the higher end Go Go Sport can support slightly more weight at around 325 lbs. All of our scooter rentals we rent out are manufactured by Pride Mobility as we believe them to be leaders in the electric mobility scooter niche.

So there you have it, these are our top 6 electric scooters for 2017 when it comes to portability. You can choose any scooter from this list and we guarantee that it will serve you brilliantly especially on your travels. Not only do these electric mobility scooters give you portability, they also add comfort, durability, functionality and safety.